Medline Transpose

Translate a search query between EBSCO MEDLINE and PubMed syntax


This version of MEDLINE Transpose is under construction. Please note that I do not currently have access to EBSCO Medline, so I cannot test the output and am doing some of the syntax from memory.

Enter your search strategy

Try pasting the following into the box below, then select "EBSCO to PubMed":

MH "Anxiety, Separation/TH" OR MH "Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders+"
TI (separation anxiety) OR AB (separation anxiety)
TI (add OR adhd) OR AB (add OR adhd)
MH "Cognitive Therapy"
MH "Mind-Body Therapies+"
S1 OR S2 OR S3
S4 OR S5

Try pasting the following into the box below, then select "PubMed to Ovid":

"Brain Concussion"[Mesh] OR "Brain Injuries"[Mesh:NoExp]
"Depression"[Mesh] OR "Depressive Disorder"[Mesh] OR depress*[tiab]
#1 AND #2
#3 AND english[lang]


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